
Change Log

– Re-Importing from copied files now carries over associated Draft_IDs (Matches table) along with other user input data.
– Imported Matches now track whether or not a player timed out and will update Match_Winner accordingly. Re-Importing from copies will update the Match_Winner column accordingly for Matches in which a player timed out.

Best Guess Deck Names:
– Updated to include February 2022 deck lists.

Bug Fixes:
– Fixed Bug: Dates in the Draft Table are now formatted correctly upon import (24h, similar to Match Table).
– Fixed Bug: Incomplete GameLog files (due to disconnect, for example) no longer break the tool and are handled by skipping during import.
– Fixed Bug: Momir games no longer break the tool and are imported correctly.
– Fixed Bug: Deleting Session data no longer deletes Best Guess Deck Name data.
– Fixed Bug: Deleting Session data no longer deletes copied GameLog and DraftLog files.
– Fixed Bug: Deleting Session data now deletes all associated files correctly.
– Fixed Bug: ‘Next’ Button is no longer clickable on startup when there is no session data to load.- Fixed Bug: Deleting Session data now deletes all associated files correctly.
– Fixed Bug: Drafts Table Match_Wins/Losses now re-apply appropriately after re-scanning from copied files.
– Fixed Bug: ‘Apply Associated Draft_IDs’ function no longer considers each half of split/adventure cards unique when searching for applicable Draft_IDs.