
This project is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline designed to process match results for Vintage tournaments on Magic Online (MTGO).

See GitHub Repository.


  • Extract data from a publicly maintained Google Sheet.
  • Clean & Transform tournament results, matchups, and deck information.
  • Load structured data into a PostgreSQL database.
  • Deploy a public REST API for querying match results and event information.

The ETL code is stored as a Python script and scheduled to run weekly using cron on an EC2 instance. The script pulls data from a public Google Sheet, cleans and transforms it, and then loads it into a PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon RDS.

Data Source

MTGO Vintage Metagame Data: Public Google Sheet with community-collated tournament results, matchups, and deck archetypes.


This project is deployed in AWS using an EC2 instance and Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) database.


Architecture Diagram

Database Schema

The data is loaded and stored in a PostgreSQL database with the following tables:

Table Name Description
EVENTS Captures individual tournament events.
EVENT_REJECTIONS Tracks rejected events and reason text.
MATCHES Stores match results, player deck IDs, and outcomes.
MATCH_REJECTIONS Tracks rejected matches and reason text.
VALID_DECKS Classification table storing valid deck archetypes.
VALID_EVENT_TYPES Classification table containing valid event type names.
LOAD_REPORTS Logs ETL process execution details.
API_LOGGING_STATS Logs API endpoint usage statistics.

See Data Dictionary for feature definitions.


Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

API Development

A REST API was developed using Flask and deployed using an EC2 instance, which is configured to serve requests through Nginx and Gunicorn. The API provides HTTP endpoints for querying processed match results and event data.

See API Documentation for API Endpoint usage instructions.