Data Dictionary

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Column Name Data Type Description
Match_ID String Unique match identifier.
P1 String Player 1 Username
P1_Arch String Player 1 Deck Archetype (eg. Aggro/Control/etc.)
P1_Subarch String Player 1 Deckname
P2 String Player 1 Username
P2_Arch String Player 2 Deck Archetype (eg. Aggro/Control/etc.)
P2_Subarch String Player 2 Deckname
P1_Roll Integer Player 1 Die Roll
P2_Roll Integer Player 2 Die Roll
Roll_Winner String Die Roll Winner
P1_Wins Integer Player 1 Game Wins
P2_Wins Integer Player 2 Game Wins
Match_Winner String Winner of the match
Format String Match Format Played
Limited_Format String Limited Format Played ('NA' if Constructed Match)
Match_Type String MTGO Match Type (eg. League/Challenge)
Date Datetime Date/Time at Start of Match: YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM


Column Name Data Type Description
Match_ID String Unique match identifier.
P1 String Player 1 Username
P2 String Player 1 Username
Game_Num Integer Game number of match (1, 2, 3)
PD_Selector String Player with Choice of Play/Draw
PD_Choice String Play/Draw Selection
On_Play String On-The-Play Player
On_Draw String On-The-Draw Player
P1_Mulls Integer Mulligans by Player 1
P2_Mulls Integer Mulligans by Player 2
Turns Integer Total Turns in Game
Game_Winner String Player that won the game


Column Name Data Type Description
Match_ID String Unique match identifier.
Game_Num Integer Game number of match (1, 2, 3)
Play_Num Integer Play number of game
Turn_Num Integer Turn number of game
Casting_Player String Player Committing Game Action
Action String Game Action ('Land Drop', 'Casts', 'Triggers', 'Activated Ability', 'Draws', 'Attacks')
Primary_Card String Card Being Cast/Played/Triggered/etc.
Target1 String Target Card #1 of Primary Card (NA if No Targeted Cards)
Target2 String Target Card #2 of Primary Card (NA if No Targeted Cards)
Target3 String Target Card #3 of Primary Card (NA if No Targeted Cards)
Opp_Target Bool (1 or 0) 1 if Current Action is Targetting Opponent
Self_Target Bool (1 or 0) 1 if Current Action is Self-Targetting
Cards_Drawn Integer Total Cards Drawn (Current Action)
Attackers Integer Total Attackers (Current Action)
Active_Player String Active Player
Nonactive_Player String Nonactive Player


Column Name Data Type Description
Draft_ID String Unique draft identifier.
Hero String Username of Drafting Player
Player_1-8 String Username(s) of other drafters.
Match_Wins Integer Hero Match Wins
Match_Losses Integer Hero Match Losses
Format String Draft Format Played
Date Datetime Date/Time at Start of Draft: YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM

Draft Picks

Column Name Data Type Description
Draft_ID String Unique draft identifier.
Card String Selected/Drafted Card
Pack_Num Integer Pack of the Current Draft
Pick_Num Integer Pick of the Current Pack
Pick_Ovr Integer Overall Pick of the Draft
Avail_1-14 String Other Available Cards During Pick