ETL pipeline designed to process match results for Vintage tournaments on Magic Online (MTGO). Processed data used to support public REST API deployment.
ETL pipeline designed to process match results for Vintage tournaments on Magic Online (MTGO). Processed data used to support public REST API deployment.
MTGO-Tracker is a Windows application and analytics tool used to process raw data for Magic: the Gathering Online. Players can import and parse log files created during online play and store resulting information into a local database for self-analysis.
MTGO-DB.com is a cloud-based data ingestion tool used to process raw data for Magic: the Gathering Online. Players can upload and process raw data files created during online play. The processed data is then loaded and stored in a PostgreSQL database, after which users can clean and enhance their own records. Data is presented to the user in the form of tables and dashboards which help players track their results, evaluate their performance, and analyze their play patterns.